The top toys for 4-year-old boys may surprise you. They aren't necessarily technology-based, or video games; but classic toys that encourage creative play, imagination, and physical activity. Superior toys for young children inspire while educating and are fun and enjoyable at the same time.
These are ideas for toys in two categories (indoor and outdoor) for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old boys:
Indoor toys
wooden toys board games (age-appropriate) drum/ music-making instruments train sets (wooden ones are most versatile) construction toys (think Duplos, Lincoln Logs) dress-up (sheriff set with toy pistol, cowboy hat and boots, animal costumes and the like)
Outdoor toys
balls (any size -- playground balls, beach balls, soccer balls) swing set (one with a climbing wall is excellent) fort (i.e. a playhouse structure, simple or elaborate) basketball hoop (child-size) with basketball soccer goal and soccer ball baseball mitt & baseball
Boys in this age group love to be active; when given the freedom, their bodies are in constant movement. It goes against their nature to sit still and quietly for long periods, which is why it's important to avoid sticking them in front of television and video games. Outdoor play is better for their physical and psychological development, as is the engrossing work of putting together a complex train track design or building a Duplo tower.
Wooden train sets are one of the most versatile, engaging toy options for little boys. When properly focused, they may play for hours as they create large track set-ups and build lengthy trains with multiple engines to get up the steep hills and bridges they've assembled. For many families, these sets prove to be some of the best toy purchases they'll make.
Likewise, building toys such as Lego Duplos and wooden block sets stimulate the imagination as the child may use them for all sorts of things, from building towers to fashioning forts for toy soldiers and making houses for wooden train engines.
When purchasing toys, look for quality in the craftsmanship or manufacturing. There are well-made wooden toys, for example, and shoddy mass-produced ones as well. Avoid the latter. With outdoor toys, this is doubly important. Ensure that play structures and outdoor forts are well-made, complete and sturdy before allowing children access to them.
Don't forget the most important factor when shopping for playthings; the individual child. As much as they have in common with development and interests, personalities and temperaments vary greatly. Learn what your child loves and evaluate possible toy purchases in light of the most important element: the child for which they are intended.
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